With the vigorous advocacy of energy conservation and environmental protection and the inevitable trend of developing new green building materials, various forms of new green building materials have become a hot favorite of people. One of the most popular is the wall made of gypsum blocks, which are called "breathing wall". Do you believe it?
After a series of data queries, it is found that there are really such new green building materials. Expert data show that "breathing wall" refers to the wall made of new gypsum. This "breathing function" means that the new gypsum block has the function of adjusting indoor air humidity. The microporous structure of gypsum is composed of needle-like crystals of dihydrate gypsum, so there is a lot of free space in needle-like crystal structure. When the air humidity is high, gypsum can absorb water in the air through the capillary structure. The water storage rate of gypsum reaches 7-17 g/m2, which is nearly twice as much as that of cement mortar (water storage rate is 6-9 g/m2). Because the water vapor diffusion resistance coefficient of gypsum is much lower than that of cement mortar, when the air humidity is low, the water in the gypsum capillary structure can easily evaporate into the air, so as to adjust the indoor air humidity and make people feel comfortable.

We know that gypsum building materials have the characteristics of energy saving, low carbon and material saving. The product characteristics of gypsum block are replacing natural gypsum with industrial by-product gypsum, saving energy and reducing emission in production and use, reducing the overall weight of frame and building, lightening the burden of foundation, and high smoothness after wall masonry without plastering. Therefore, the appearance of this product was not believed at first, but finally found that the block made of gypsum is really good, really can let the wall experience breathing. Do not believe you also try! This product will have great development prospects now and in the future.